Artwork Dealing with Adversity


Beauty from Ashes

The inspiration from this comes from beauty in pain. Everybody has pain, and
big or small, there is beauty pushing through to help up with that pain. After and
during any pain, we come out of it stronger than before, like the saying “what
doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.”





Music Inspires Love ~ Love Inspires Music

The art was inspired by the Latin inspirare “to breathe into.” It shows how
music can make you feel things and emotions, causing you to tap into your
creativity. It can show you love, and it can also be a support for moving through
tough times. When you feel like you can’t trust a person to be there for you, you
can trust that your music will always be there when you need it.





Starry Night

The inspiration for this came from van Gough’s The Starry Night. The Starry
was painted by Vincent van Gough while he was in the asylum hospital.
He had been living quite well in the hospital, but later on he began to suffer
from hallucinations and depression. He reverted back to his original paintings
that used dark and sad colors.
The Starry Night was one of the first examples
of his darker and sadder paintings. What’s interesting is that even though each
building in the village is clearly outlined in black, the eyes still turn to the bright
stars shining in the dark sky.


Monarch Butterfly – Metamorphosis of Life

The inspiration for the Monarch Butterfly represents the Campus Life
organization’s mentorship giving guidance to teenagers to spread their wings
like a butterfly as they mature. The background colors represent the help given
by the organization: blue is for “the sky is the limit”, yellow is for “the warm
mentoring”, and green is “help in building a solid foundation for life”. There is
also a 50 incorporated into the artwork to represent 50 years of service.

Climbing Rose – High Aspiration

The rose goes through a lot when it’s growing. It blooms during the hottest part
of the year to bring people a beautiful flower, expressing the growth it went
through. It also has the same inspiration as the Monarch Butterfly, incorporating
the same color representation and meanings behind the artwork.


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Recent Comments

  • Margie Main on Solar EclipseVery well done! So descriptive that I almost didnt need the pic!