Name Design

For this project, we were tasked with drawing our names and shading them in colors of our choosing.

We did a few pracices before beginning. We first drew one letter from our name in a small 2in x 3in rectangle on a piece of sketch paper and drew a small wave through the letter. We then chose a color to shade on, following the instructions given to be dark at the top and bottom of the letter, as well as dark where we drew the wave through.

After this, we started trying out a few different ways to write our name. We were told to keep all the letters consistent in style and sizing as well as leave enough room inside the letters to be able to see the shading done.

Once we had decided our letter style, size, and colors, we were given the paper for our final project. We first drew on the letters of our name, putting it down lightly so we could still color over it later. Then we drew a wave across the middle of the paper that went through our lettering. The next step was to shade in the three colors we had chosen to use, and finally shade everything outside of the lines in black so that our colored names would stand out more.

I think my favorite part of this project was picking out colors. I didn’t really know of a color to choose, so I decided to pick one color first from my favorite character from a show and go from there. I chose lime green, and decided to pair two darker greens with it, since I liked how they all looked together.

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  • Margie Main on Solar EclipseVery well done! So descriptive that I almost didnt need the pic!